Inclusive and Accessible Career Pathways.

As part of TOM@University program in partnership with Tikkun Olam Makers (TOM), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Design students worked to create design solutions for people living with disabilities to make future work more inclusive and accessible. In collaboration with Swinburne AccessAbility Careers Hub, students explored ways to encourage organisations to become more confident recruiters of people with disabilities. Solutions range from building awareness to accessible and inclusive recruitment processes to a focus on developing research and best practice on onboarding and reasonable adjustment processes for employees with disabilities.
A central online place of support for individuals with invisible disabilities (mental health condition) during the job seeking process. The platform assists job seekers in their job seeking process and provides support and information to help a job seeker achieve their career goals.
Concept by Tyler Gilmer-Reeves (Design), Bernadette Beghetti (Occupational Therapy), Kiran Johal (Occupational Therapy), Alexia Nicolaou (Occupational Therapy) & Caia Reis (Occupational Therapy).
An app providing interactive training modules to improve the capability and inclusive practices of recruiters. Interactive learning experiences aim to illustrate how disability affects jobseekers’ everyday life and to enhance inclusive recruitment practices through empathy and understanding.
Concept by Madeleine Kilpatrick (Occupational Therapy), Grace Yang (Occupational Therapy), Charlotte Dinnie (Occupational Therapy) and Katie Grieve (Occupational Therapy).
An app providing tailored workplace adjustments with a focus on mental health, for employees and employers.
Concept by Emily (Occupational Therapy), Stephanie Setiawan Hartanto (Occupational Therapy), Arianne Jacobs (Occupational Therapy), Sophie McNally (Occupational Therapy) & Amira Seneque (Design).