We are always excited to share our approach, experience and thoughts in creative problem solving and innovation at every opportunity. Browse our thought pieces, news, case studies, past projects from the DFM team and community below!
Prototyping from home: Design Factory Melbourne supports students to create remotely
DFM has created ‘ProtoKIT’ to help students build and make prototypes while they study remotely.
Chatting with DFM Alumni: Josh Bragagnolo
Industrial Design student Josh has completed both the local and global streams at DFM – read about his experience here.
Chatting with DFM Alumni: Emily Cheesman
As part of Emily Cheesman’s Master of Occupational Therapy she is completing a stream of units with DFM. Read about her introduction to design thinking here.
Chatting with DFM Alumni: Jaiden Gusti
Communication Design student Jaiden Gusti immersed himself in DFM’s vibrant community during his Honours year. Read about his experience here.
Chatting with DFM Alumni: Amelia Iverson
Read about how Business student Amelia Iverson’s experience with DFM shaped her future path.
Innovating without fear: My experience at Design Factory Melbourne
In early 2019, I made the move of leaving my home in Mumbai, India to pursue a two-year-long, Master of Design course at Swinburne University. Three months into the course, I was accepted into Design Factory’s Global Program where I immersed myself in a different way of learning and culture – both of which have had a lasting impact and value on me today.
Creative Collisions: Collaboration with The Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
Design is a universal approach to problem solving across disciplines. What if we applied this to the field of astronomy? Stars were aligned, when Design Factory Melbourne and The Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing joined forces by exploring creative solutions for reducing the carbon footprint of astrophysicists.
HALO Concept Detects for Drugs at Airport Checkpoints
HALO is one of three concepts developed by students in 2020 in the Design Factory Melbourne’s CBI A3 Program, in partnership with IdeaSquare CERN.
DFGN chats to DFM Director, Anita Kocsis
Design Factory Global Network’s Marthe Dehli sat down with DFM’s Director, Anita Kocsis to give others a window into DFM, our space, our students and our hopes for the future. This article is part of DFGN’s interview series to get to know other design factories around the world through the eyes of its people!