The DFM Global Program—the 10 most intense, life changing months of my degree.
When my friends ask me what I did in the Design Factory Melbourne (DFM) Global Program, I have a bit of a hard time putting exactly what does happen at DFM into words.
When my friends ask me what I did in the Design Factory Melbourne (DFM) Global Program, I have a bit of a hard time putting exactly what does happen at DFM into words.
“Great dreams aren’t just visions,” says Astro Teller, “They’re visions coupled to strategies for making them real.”
Design Thinking — It’s a term that’s become tied to the agenda of innovation and change. It has become the ‘new black’ and migrated from the agency to the boardroom with executives recognising the need to incorporate it into their long-term strategy. But what is design thinking?
For 7 days in April our global team, working with Innospring, travelled to their partner university in Nantong, China, for an intensive week working with their team to speed their project along. The Innospring team have been tasked with exploring opportunities for developing services for smart buildings in China. Aaron Down, studying his BA Honours with DFM, shares a day in the life of his time there.
We have all heard that innovation happens when industry and universities collaborate. But what really drives this innovation? Can culture and values foster creative confidence within individuals?