Jun 17, 2020 | Activities, Insights
Capability building is a common way to increase the competence of an organisation. Workshop design plays a major role on the type of benefits you gain from training as a participant and from an organisational perspective. This article outlines some of the benefits in two different staff training scenarios.
May 19, 2020 | Activities, Insights, Tools
The ability to unpack and scope problems is essential to creating innovative solutions and outcomes. However, there is a tension between the value of spending time in unpacking challenges and pressures of having immediate answers and providing solutions quickly. This thought piece outlines some of this tension and shares our key insights on how and why we should focus on unpacking challenges and flipping them into opportunities to drive action.
Feb 19, 2019 | Activities, Insights
By bringing together a diverse group of passionate individuals who are determined to change the world for the better, Design Factory Melbourne (DFM) creates a fertile ground for creative problem solving and co-creation. At DFM, there is a belief that all people have a creative potential and it is the diversity of ideas that will generate greater insights as to the most effective way of tackling a problem.
May 29, 2017 | Insights
Design Thinking — It’s a term that’s become tied to the agenda of innovation and change. It has become the ‘new black’ and migrated from the agency to the boardroom with executives recognising the need to incorporate it into their long-term strategy. But what is design thinking?
Apr 28, 2017 | Insights
We have all heard that innovation happens when industry and universities collaborate. But what really drives this innovation? Can culture and values foster creative confidence within individuals?
Oct 21, 2016 | Activities, Culture, Insights
Ready. Set. Go! After ten days of working on paper bike designs, students of the year-long Sugar-ME310 Global Design Innovation Program raced their cardboard creations at the Swinburne University Hawthorn campus